
Currently there are three settings you can use to configure default behavior in PRF.

  • default_pagination_class: A string representing the path to the default pagination class to use.
  • page_size: An integer used as the default page size for pagination.
  • default_permission_classes: A list or tuple of strings. Each string represents the path to a permissions class to use by default with each view.

If you used pyramid-cookiecutter-restful to create your project you can simply update these values in the file in the PYRAMID_APP_SETTINGS variable:

    'pyramid.reload_templates': PYRAMID_RELOAD_TEMPLATES,
    'pyramid.debug_authorization': PYRAMID_DEBUG_AUTHORIZATION,
    'pyramid.debug_notfound': PYRAMID_DEBUG_NOTFOUND,
    'pyramid.debug_routematch': PYRAMID_DEBUG_ROUTEMATCH,
    'pyramid.default_locale_name': 'en',
    # pyramid_restful settings
    'restful.page_size': 50,
    'restful.default_pagination_class': 'pyramid_restful_jsonapi.pagination.JSONAPIPagination',
    'restful.default_permission_classes': ['exampleapp.permissions.AuthenticatedAndActivePermission'],

If you are adding PRF to an existing project or your prefer using ini files for configuration you can set the values for these configurations by adding a new restful section to you ini file:

restful.page_size = 50
restful.default_pagination_class = 'pyramid_restful_jsonapi.pagination.JSONAPIPagination'
restful.default_permission_classes = 'exampleapp.permissions.AuthenticatedAndActivePermission'