
PRF offers a single base class for writing your own permissions, BasePermission. There are two methods that you can override, has_permission() and has_object_permission(). The first is checked on every request to a view and the later is checked when a specific instance of an object is being accessed in a view.

In the example below the request’s authenticated user must be an admin:

from pyramid.response import Response

from pyramid_restful.viewsets import ModelCRPDViewSet
from pyramid_restful.permissions import BasePermission

from .models import User
from .schemas import UserSchema

class IsAdminPermission(BasePermission):
    message = 'You must be an admin.'

    def has_permission(self, request, view):
        return request.user.is_admin == True:

class UserViewSet(ModelCRPDViewSet):
    model = User
    schema = UserSchema
    permission_classes = (IsAdminPermission,)

If you prefer you can still use pyramid’s built in authorization and permissions framework. If you are manually routing a view and using pyramid’s authorization framework you would use permissions just as you would normally:

# config is an instance of pyramid.config.Configurator
config.add_route('users', '/users/')
config.add_view(views.UserView.as_view(), route_name='user', permission='view')

If you are routing a ViewSet and using a ViewSetRouter you simply set your permission using the permission kwarg:

from pyramid.routers import ViewSetRouter

def includeme(config):
router = ViewSetRouter(config)
router.register('users', views.UserViewSet, 'coop', permission='view')